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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Popping Up!!

Here's a glimpse of one of my assignment that had submitted last month!
Sorry for being outdated guys! =="
The line here was really sucks to the MAX!

Allright, back to the topic~
Well, this was how my assignment looks like for your information~

*The Cover~ Nothing special, right? =p*

Okay, let's open it then!

*Tadaa, can see the KL and Petronas Twin Tower popping up? It was the parallel fold between~ *

*Okay, here's another view~*

Hmm, wait~ There's more~

Do you guys notice the small red card up there?

Well, it was actually like this when we open it..

*A spiral pop up with the word 54 and hornbill popping up! =D*

Well, this was actually the pop up individual card that each of us need to do!
So, how do you think it looks like?
This was the first time I came across with such thing~
Can held my head high for finishing it, even though some of my classmates were damn better! =="

Okay, interested in making one yourselves?
Hmm, particularly on the easy making parallel fold and spiral pop up?
Well, do stay tuned with me then~
For all the steps, other techniques and other pop ups as well!! 
Till then readers, do help me to click the advertisements beside before leaving ya~
Thanks and bye =)

(P/s: Sorry for the limited photos, I was taken in a rush that time)