Ermm,too hectic perhaps??
Stop finding an excuses laa LEE YIH CHUINN
Lazy said lazy laa~~
But,undeniably,tis two months really had many things happening around me~
All these range from happy,sad,nervous,and i even handed in my debut~~
Therefore,time 2 note down all those things here now~~ =p
Well,better dont be so 'long breath ady'~~Let's get it STARTED now!! =)
Wedding Part
Continuing with what I actually left behind, this time let me introduce 2 u all about my handsome cousins and also his beautiful wife...
Tadaaa,here are them~~

Aren't they a sweet couples?? Sudenly the feeling of envy arise in myself,wake up yih chuinn,u r just 20~oops,havent even reach 20 i should said~~ =="
Haha,anyway,congrats i should said to them~
For your information,both of them play good music too~
The bridegroom had actually further his study at Austria before and are expertise in playing violin~While the bride also can play piano very well~
So,it is really nice 2 see tis two who share the same passion and interest in music actually becoming lovebirds and fulfilling their promise and care to each other till death~
~~H.A.P.P.Y W.E.D.D.I.N.G~~