Third day of my PISMP life is looming~~
Starting to countdown now, I will be facing one familiar figures and one stranger for the whole day 8 hours from now on~~
Okay,for all of you who was in my situation now,which one of the two above that u will feel comfortable with,the familiar one,or the stranger??
Well, I bet all of u would choose the familiar one of course!!!
But I was on d opposite site!!!
It was just like 'Ripley's Believe It Or Not", I'm pretty scared about facing the familiar figures rather than the facing the strict stranger..(Well,according to my friend,she is one of those in HEP)!!!
Why i would scared to face one familiar figures that had I been facing already for the past 1 and a half years??
Why i would not scared facing the strict stranger??
Well,the answer is simple....
2 days ago, when I go to take my results slip, I accidentally meet with the familiar figure that I was so closed to him before...
Guess what was his reaction after seing me that time??
1st choice:With a smile on his face that expressing the words like "hi,how had u been during this holiday?"Welcome back and nice 2 seing u again =)
2nd choice:Normal,just greet back us when we greet him...
3rd choice:Gave us an eerie stare to express his disappointment towards us...OMG!!!
So,what do you think??Normally all of u would guess the answer was 2...Or at least 1~~
But U all r totally wrong this time~~!!!
To my suprise, he gave me the stare that I would never forget about it..
Those stares remind me of a man who stare angrily at a person who wanted to hurt his beloved wife and family...
Those stares remind me of a lion who stare straightly at the other lion who wanted to have his place or other animals who planned to hurt his cub...
WOW!!!That was probably the most scariest scare I had ever seen in my life till now!!!
I just managed to give him a silly grin smiling yet deep inside my heart I know I had get a "warning letter" from him already...
And later is the day...
Well, to be frankly, I had already prepared myself for it...
No matter how ugly the situation later, I will still face him behaving like a man, no avoiding, no joking, and of course listen 100% to what is in stored for me...
No matter how many criticism he was going to put on me, I will still gave him a smile saying that I knew my mistake and I promise u sir that u wont see this anymore...I will not be knocked down so easily from all those negative comments,in fact I will only be growing stronger and stronger by each time..
And Most Importantly, no matter what happens, it will never change my LOVE towards MATHS~~!!!
Well,I guess that's all from and wish me the best of luck for this chaotic day i guess..
And of course,goddnight everybody,hope a gud day lies ahead for u~~ =)